Emergency Situations and How to Triage
When an animal hospital triages a patient there are 3 levels (or categories) which are reviewed in order to determine the urgency of care. Our goal is to share this information with you to help you better understand and plan for an emergency.
PRIORITY #1 (GO TO ER HOSPITAL ASAP) VCA Animal Care in Rohnert Park 707-584-4343
VCA Pet Care East in Santa Rosa (707) 579-3900
This is when life saving measures are to be applied immediately
*Poisoning *Bloat (GDV) *Snake bite *Allergic reactions *Collapse *Actively seizuring *Choking
*Major trauma (vehicular, animal attack)
*Difficulty Breathing *Excessive bleeding *Hypothermia *Heat stroke
*Penetrating bite wounds around neck or chest. *Unable to urinate *Extreme lethargy/pale gums
PRIORITY #2 (Needs to be seen that day)
*Frequent vomiting *Blood in urine *Bloody diarrhea *Can urinate but with straining
*Paralysis *Birthing difficulties *Closed fractures
PRIORITY #3 (Non-life threatening)
*Abscess *Foxtail *Stable chronic diarrhea
*Limping *Skin conditions *Minor wounds/lacerations
*Sneezing/nasal discharge *Sore ears/eyes
PRIORITY #1 (GO TO ER HOSPITAL ASAP) VCA Animal Care in Rohnert Park 707-584-4343
VCA Pet Care East in Santa Rosa (707) 579-3900
This is when life saving measures are to be applied immediately
*Poisoning *Bloat (GDV) *Snake bite *Allergic reactions *Collapse *Actively seizuring *Choking
*Major trauma (vehicular, animal attack)
*Difficulty Breathing *Excessive bleeding *Hypothermia *Heat stroke
*Penetrating bite wounds around neck or chest. *Unable to urinate *Extreme lethargy/pale gums
PRIORITY #2 (Needs to be seen that day)
*Frequent vomiting *Blood in urine *Bloody diarrhea *Can urinate but with straining
*Paralysis *Birthing difficulties *Closed fractures
PRIORITY #3 (Non-life threatening)
*Abscess *Foxtail *Stable chronic diarrhea
*Limping *Skin conditions *Minor wounds/lacerations
*Sneezing/nasal discharge *Sore ears/eyes